Case History: Our client was attending college on a scholarship and was heavily involved in extracurricular activities. Our client was very outgoing and made numerous acquaintances in the first few months school was in session. One day, out of the blue, our client received notice there was an investigation being conducted alleging our client had raped another student at the university. This allegation not only triggered police involvement for criminal charges, but it also put our client’s academic future in jeopardy as a Title IX action was initiated against our client through the University’s policies and procedures.
Our Defense: We immediately put both the university and the police agency investigating the matter on notice no one was permitted to contact our client without our presence. Essentially, we cut off all contact between our client and the investigative agencies. Next, we began walking through our client’s every move in an attempt to figure out who would make such a serious allegation. Our client was at a loss and adamantly denied any inappropriate behavior ever occurred with anyone. Our client had never encountered anything like this and such situation caused our client great stress. We met with the school’s investigation committee and advocated on our client’s behalf. The school wanted to restrict our client’s access to certain areas around the campus and issue no contact orders with other students. This was unacceptable as our client was being wrongfully accused. Once we discovered who the accuser was, we began looking into that person’s background. We quickly discovered this person had a crush on our client and our client only wanted a non-romantic friendship, which hurt the accuser’s feelings. Our client cut off all contact with the accuser and the accuser began contacting our client daily. The accuser would even post pictures and videos onto our client’s social media accounts in an attempt to elicit a response. The accuser appeared desperate and obsessed with our client. When our client did not return the sentiment, the accuser contacted the authorities and alleged rape. After the meeting with school personnel, we also tracked down all records of the report, including witness statements and summaries of the allegations from the police department. There were many inconsistencies in the accuser’s story and our client had an alibi for the date in question. We presented our findings to the investigative committee and requested the Title IX action as well as all adverse actions taken against our client, including all school disciplinary measures and the threat of criminal charges be dismissed immediately. After numerous meetings and an abundance of written correspondence with school officials, the school agreed with our position and closed the investigation by dismissing the Title IX action. In addition, the criminal investigation was also closed without any criminal charges being filed against our client.